Friday, January 31, 2014

Eenie, meenie, miney, MAJOR

Coming to college you are ready for meeting new people, trying new things and have a whole new adventure ahead of you. Part of that adventure is picking a major.

It is common for students to change majors throughout their college career multiple times.

My freshman year social work was my major, however that only lasted for that year. At the end of my sophomore year integrated public relations was my official signed major.

Many asked 'how do you go from social work to PR?' It is a question I don't even know the full answer to.

To this day I still have my minor freak out moments of thinking, "Is this was the right choice?"

So, when you have your major signed how can you really tell you made the right choice?

It is much simpler than you think.

1. Don't over think it.
Your life begins to move faster and faster the further you get into you college career. New opportunities are popping up, your searching for internships and still focusing on school work. You begin to wonder what it all means. Mostly during the times of reading through multiple internship opportunities as they list the qualities of the perfect intern, you may start to question your capabilities in the professional world. Stop!

You cannot compare yourself to that list. Being a student you are still learning, evolving and having new experiences. Stop over thinking it all and focus on what you are doing now.

2. Be confident.
Forget the lists, the standards and remember you can do anything you want. Know that lists do not matter because what that company doesn't have on its list is you. College is making you an individual, someone with a voice, someone who can make a statement and say, "Hey, here I am!" No matter what the lists and standards say they can never compare to a real person who has true confidence in what they are doing. If at any point in time you can be confident in exactly what you're doing, even if its for two minutes, then you can be successful in your major. Harness that and keep moving forward.

3. Core classes for your major actually interest you.
Granted sitting in a sit for an hour listening to a lecture isn't the most appealing thing in the world but,  there are some days where things really click. Moments when your eyes leave the Facebook profile your looking at and take interest in what the instructor is saying. Times when you come home to tell your roommates, friends, parents, that interesting thing you learned in class or the new project your starting.These can be the moments that inspire and make you passionate about your career choice. Just be sure to remember those moments when you are cramming for finals and want to chuck your books into a wood chipper.

If watching Netflix in bed wins out going to class every time...maybe you should decide on a different major. Now Netflix in bed vs. class probably wins out in everyone's mind but, if you have the some motivation to say no to Netflix and go to class, then you are at least on the right track. 

Those three reasons are what you need to really decide if you did the right thing or not. Really, if you just cannot shake the feeling of your in the wrong career field then change. This is the time in life to try new things and that means in your education as well. 

Try different classes in different areas, talk to people who are passionate about what they do and discover what truly gives you happiness. Doing what makes you happy is all that matters.

Don't just eenie, meenie, miney, moe to pick your major. 

Go on an adventure and don't over think, be confident and find what interests you.
